Saturday, July 21, 2007


...and humid.

Is it me, or has the heat pretty much stifled any kind of fun outside? I've seen a few boats on the lake (more in the morning early when it's cool and the fish are out.)

The Decatur Celebration is around the corner. I can't find the official site, but the Stage Schedule can be found here.

The Cubs are doing pretty good right now...only 2 1/2 games out of first place. Don't know how long they'll stay there. One can only hope, and pray. (Is next year here?) I'm not sayin' it.

The Farm Progress Show is also opening up soon. It's not just for farmers, by the way. It's also a great way for local businesses to make some extra cash. Check it out!

It's been pretty quiet. If anyone has anything they want to say, have at it.

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