Wednesday, April 23, 2008


What's up in Decatur, Illinois? Well, not a whole heckuvalot. There's nothing to do in Decatur, right? WRONG

The weather's warming up, people are boating, fishing (and I hear a few crappie have been seen!) School will be out soon and then softball and baseball will be in full swing (pun intended.)

Speaking of baseball, how about them Cubbies! They're 14-6 as of today, and in FIRST PLACE! And the White Sox are in FIRST PLACE, too!

At least now there's one thing going Blago's way in Chicago. Piniella better watch out...I think Blago may start a new tax on Cubs' wins to make up for his mismanagement of state funds to date.

More to come...oh, and check out the new Lou Piniella widget!

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